Easy Beaded Mini Hedgehog

Designed by Helena Chmelíková for Preciosa
You'll need:
Body Color (R4)
26 of 6/0 Rocailles
Spines to match Body Color (R8)
103 of 8/0 Rocailles
Contrast Spines One (R2)
55 of 8/0 Rocailles
Contrast Spines Two (R3)
50 of 8/0 Rocailles
Eyes and Nose (R6)
3 of 6/0 Rocailles
32 of 18 mm head pins (we don't currently carry 18mm but pins can be trimmed to any size as needed)
8 of 30 mm eye pins
Additional Tools
A 0.25 mm nylon line; a thin needle; scissors; needle-nose pliers (or pliers with a rounded point + snipping pliers); a ruler