Wonderflex is a heat-activated, non-toxic thermoplastic with scrim reinforcement. With a smooth surface on one side that can be molded or formed once it's been heated, Worbla can be easily painted or decorated with a variety of artisan coatings, gessos, bondo and paints. It has superior strength and flexibility, yet is remarkably lightweight. You'll find it fabulous for headpieces, sub-structures, ornamental effects, masks, props, scenic materials and a whole lot more.
Because it's so tough and can be molded into any shape or thickness, it's even ideal for making quick repairs or modifications. With a low activation temperature of 150-170 F (70-80 C, Wonderflex has a long open time and can be hand-worked or laid up for two or three minutes. Just reheat repeatedly as required for additional forming. It works beautifully with or without molds and cuts with a utility knife or scissors. It bonds to itself well and can be adhered to most porous materials like paper, wood, fabric, foams, Fosshape and Worbla.